Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Stuart Bluefish Non-Stop Fun

Sunday, January 31, 2010
You Know The Old Saying About Going Fishing; Not Catching….

Bluefish are a wintertime staple our nearshore waters and this year is no exception. If you can find where they’re hanging out, the fishing turns into non-stop catching. Great fun with almost any bait that imitates a baitfish. It’s a good idea to use something renewable because these fish with destroy any kind of soft plastics. Topwater plugs and spoons are a good choice. It’s great to watch them fight of the plugs as they skip across the surface. And you don’t have to be an expert at walking the dog to get some action. DSCN0392 Admittedly, this can get a bit repetitive after an hour or so, and it kind of spoils other fishing afterwards that doesn’t produce action instantly and often. But if you want to have fun bending a rod and giving everyone a chance to catch fish, then this is a great game to play. Twice the fight, bigger fish and less work than Spanish Mackerel this fishing is a crowd pleaser for friends and customers from up north. Watch out for the teeth as these fish draw blood very easily. A good set of needle nose pliers or some other de-hooking device is a must.

Capt. Duber Winters
Capt. Raymond Winters
Green Water Charters

posted by WintersNet at 7:48 AM

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