Report for 08/07/2011
Salt Water
Lots of good reports from charters, local anglers and out of town-ers catching keeper Amberjack. No shortage of smoker King mackerel either, the bait has been easy to find and you can definitely tell from the smiles, stories and yes even proof positive, pictures! The heat has been nearly un-bearable, but those who have been able to talk themselves out have been rewarded with some really good fish. With the water temperature approaching bath water levels you will need to go deep when trolling. Lots of schoolie Dolphin (Mahi-Mahi) getting caught anywhere there are sargasso weed lines, and there are plenty. Bee liners, Triggers, Red grouper and Black snapper are pretty plentiful out there as well. There have also been several nice sized (40/50lb. ) Cobia caught off the wrecks lately!!! It is always cooler out on the water than on land, so put up the bimini top or bring along a sombrero and get you some!
Bull Reds, Spanish, Bluefish and Bonita reported in the pass early in the morning on the falling tide. This makes it difficult to decide between a steel leader or flouro-carbon. Steel is the safe way to go but it might cost you the attention of a Bull redfish. There have been a few reports of Tripletail in the bay this past week, so keep an eye peeled for these wary, sideways swimming delicacies. Crab buoys, or any other floating object can hold them. Several reports of Tarpon getting launched in the bay, watch for their tell tale roll and try to land your offering well ahead of them so not to spook them while still being in their path. Not easy, but if it was easy, everybody would be doing it! Trout and smaller reds have been harder to find, I am sure this is due to water temps, work a drop off "downstream" of a grass flat would be my suggestion. Early or late should yield best results.
King mackerel are still getting caught but it is not gang busters all day, mornings and believe it or not night time have been best. Watch the fishing forecast for the best times and you will be using all the tools at your disposal to properly apply your "sweat equity". A fair amount of Spanish mackerel, not too many Bonita and some Ladyfish are getting caught but again this can be hot, then cold (you know how it goes). Large Redfish are feeding around the piers on the cigar minnows schooled up around the pilings. Frozen will work but a live wiggler will definitely work better so bring along a sabiki rig to catch your own. Surf fishing has been very difficult at best due to the June grass, so callahead to see the conditions or have a plan "B".
King Mackerel- Some kings have been caught this week. Most anglers are using live cigar minnows, threadfin herring and hard tails. However frozen cigar minnows will work in a pinch. Baits are rigged with 40# to 60# wire leaders using a single treble or double hook stinger rig.
Spanish Mackerel- The Spanish bite can be hot and cold. There have been some caught this week using live cigar minnows, frozen cigar minnows and frozen LY’s. These baits are usually rigged with 18# to 40# wire using a single treble hook. Good artificials include the Gotcha plug, silver spoons and the local bubble rig.
Whiting- The Whiting bite has remained steady over the last week. Fresh peeled shrimp fished on the bottom will produce fish.
Pompano- There are still a few fish around. Live sand fleas and shrimp fished on the bottom will produce fish. Pompano jigs will also take them.
Bonito- There have been some caught in the last few days. Any fast moving spoon or jig will get the job done.
Redfish- A few Reds have been caught this week. Anglers are using live cigar minnows, hard tails, pinfish, live shrimp or cut mullet or menhaden . You can catch them with a fish finder rig and a circle hook.
Pompano- There are still some fish around. Best baits are live shrimp and sand fleas. Although fresh dead shrimp will work well. Most anglers are using a two hook bottom rig fished in a cut in the sand bars. Weight used is determined by the tide current and the sea conditions.
Redfish- Anglers are catching some big bull reds while fishing for Pompano. The will hit the same baits, but don’t be afraid to try some cut mullet or LY’s.
Sharks- There are several species to catch and area anglers have been catching Black Tip, Spinners and Bull sharks. Most shark fisherman are fishing high capacity reels with 80# test line on a 50# to 100# rod. They are using fresh Bonito or Skipjack for bait and using a 6’ leader of at least 400# test with large circle hooks. They are placing the bait usually behind the first sand bar.
Skipjack (Ladyfish)- These are all through the surf and they have been caught all this week. They are not particular on what they hit. Live sand fleas and shrimp work well. Frozen shrimp, cut mullet and cut LY will work too. Almost any artificial spoon, plug, fly or jig moving at a very high speed will catch them.
Whiting- The Whiting bite remains steady. These are being caught using a two hook bottom rig with live shrimp or peeled fresh dead shrimp.
Speckled Sea Trout- Fishing for the trout has been very good all this week. I have had good reports of them being caught off the grass flats in 5’ to 7’ of water. Live shrimp is a great bait fished under a popping cork. A live Croker, Finger Mullet or Pinfish is also a great bait. They can be fished on a cork or on the bottom. Good artificials include silver spoons, DOA Shrimp, Yozuri Crystal minnows, MirroLure Mirrodine lures and Berkeley Gulp soft plastics.
Redfish- These have been caught on the grass flats as well with the same baits used for Trout. Although don’t leave home without a Johnson Silver Minnow in gold. Deep water docks, dock pilings and bridge pilings are all good places to find Redfish. There can be some good top water action early in the morning casting Skitter Walks and Top Dogs on the flats
Flounder- I have heard of some flounder being caught around structure this last week. Most anglers are using bull minnows, tiger minnows and finger mullet. I use as light of weight as possible when fishing with live bait for these. Don’t over look the jig and grub combination or jig and Berkley Gulp combination.
Trigger Fish- You can find these on the artificial reefs. I have had good reports of fish being caught on squid and cut Bonito. Use a fairly small hook to get these fish to take the bait.
Red Snapper- This season is now closed for harvesting. These fish are everywhere! From 2miles out of the pass to the edge. Live cigar minnows, threadfins, hard tails, pinfish and grunts all work well. Frozen squid, cigar minnows and Bonito chunks will work as well. Butterfly, Bomber and Williamson jigs will catch them too. Look for them on the artificial reefs and natural bottom.
Black Snapper- Good reports of these this week. Fish the same way as you would for the Red Snapper.
Scamp- These have been caught this week as well. You can use a lot of the same baits as with snapper, although live pinfish with the top fin cut off and the tail trimmed work for me. Look for them on any natural bottom or artificial reef.
Grouper- Don’t forget that Black and Gag are closed. However there are some Red grouper available. These will inhabit the same natural bottom and artificial reefs as their cousins and the Red Snappers. Live baits will produce fish, but so will the Butterfly, Bomber and Williamson jigs.
Amberjack- This season opened on August 1. Deep water wrecks in 60’ to 200” should hold some good fish. Live baits and Butterfly type jigs will catch their share.
King Mackerel- There have been kings caught on the beach all the way out to the edge. A favorite way among anglers is to cast out a fly line rig with a live bait while you are bottom fishing. Also, trolling a live cigar minnow, hard tail or large menhaden will produce good fish. Trolling a duster rig with a frozen cigar minnow is a tried and true method. Rapala, Yozuri and Stretch 25 / 30 are all good lipped diving plugs that catch fish.
Wahoo- There were some good catches last week around the Nipple and Spur. These fish can be caught on the Yozuri Bonito in purple/black and hot pink/black. A Wahoo Whacker is another great bait. These fish like to hang out around weed lines as well, so be prepared.
Dolphin- I have had reports of good fish being caught on some flotsam around the edge this week. Most fish have been in the 5# to 20# range. Look for anything that is floating on the water. Use a stealthy approach and make a cast to it with a jig or live bait. Sometimes you can chum them up with cut cigar minnows, and then stick a hook in one of the cigar minnow pieces. I have not heard of any weed lines this week, but they are very good to troll along the edges of. A tolled naked ballyhoo is one of my favorite baits.
Tuna- Schools of Black fin have been found within 20 miles. Look for birds working the water. Diamond and small Butterfly jigs are great lures to use. Also small poppers worked on the surface will take these fish. The Yellowfin report has been a little spotty. Last report I had was from a boat working the oil rigs 70 miles out. They caught some fish in the 60# to 100# range on chunk baits and trolling cedar plugs.
Half Hitch Tackle
2206 Thomas Dr
Panama City, FL 32408
Fishing Report prepared by Half Hitch Tackle Staff.
The Captains Corner Fishing Report is provided by local charter captains and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Half Hitch Tackle.
This report is dedicated to the memory of Al Hubbard.
Al Hubbard was a field editor for Florida Sportsman magazine, an outdoor writer for the News Herald and a board member of the Florida Outdoor Writer's Association.
Mr. Hubbard was also the owner of Al's Outdoors Outfitting Services.