Posted on August 12, 2011 by DrCatcher

Bonefish on Jig Key West
Thats been the lately of it. We have had the weather man report 40 -60 percent chances
of rain and we wind up with nothing more than a convective orphan of a storm that wets the island city of Key West and does not hamper the fishing. Both inshore and offshore fishing has been very good and our clients are happy.
Lobster season started off with a bang last week on the 6th. Lots of boats out there. I have spoken to a few people so far and they say “easy picking” . Thats good news for visiting tourists wanting to catch a bug or two.
Fishing in Key West has been pretty stellar. Summers can be a little slow do to the heat but this year the heat is on and the fishing is awesome.
In the backcountry and on the flats we are getting a decent early morning tarpon bite. Its over by 8:30. Then off to the shallows. Last couple days the water is real high in the AM and low in the evenings. This makes great for lady fish, jacks and fun fish during the heat of the day and there are MANY around. Also large Mangrove snappers have found their way into the backcountry for some nice 3 and 4 lb fish on fly and live bait. During the afternoon is the magic. After that stray storm pushes through we are getting awesome shots at permit and bonefish, completing a great day of backcountry inshore fishing.
Photo Credit Capt. Kyle K. of Dream Catcher Charters provided the shot of the bonefish. Photo was taken with his new Nikon D7000. Great capture..
Offshore the reef bite is hit and miss. the clearer the water the harder it is. But if you find some chalk water start your bottom fishing and there they are. We did real well on muttons and groupers at the beginning of this week with some nice filets for the Hook and Cook program for some lucky anglers from Michigan. 16lb muttons.. NICE>. Followed up by 4 – 9 lb mangrove snappers.
In the blue water I spoke to Capt. Brice Barr this week. He runs the Double Down out of Garrison Bite. He is a STELLAR deep sea guy and our go to guy for this sort of fishing for our clients. He runs a number 1 hull about 40 ft in length. Capt. Brice told me that the dolphin were a ways out but in good sizes. Just past the wall (23 miles) or so look for the birds and weed. Gaffer fish to 25 lbs. with a mix of Wahoo. Good Times..
To Book Capt. Brice Call Island Genn at 1-888-362-3474 or email her
NOTE!!! If you are looking for a fishing charter in the Florida Keys and not in Key West check out our Florida Keys Fishing Web site.. Here you will find guides and charters to suit your needs..
Thanks for visiting and checking out the report. Be sure you take a look at Island Genns Blog The Key Wester to help you plan your vacation here in Key West, Florida.
Capt Steven Lamp
5555 College Road
Key West, FL 33040
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