...right next door. Come see us in our new home at 122 Commerce St. where we are leasing space from the Visitors Center.
Those of you who have fished with "The Holland Boys" know what it means to have a 140 fish day. Capt. Tommy Holland's crew had such a day just this week including Redfish, sea trout, mackerel, flounder, white trout & probabaly more but he was talking so fast I couldn't keep up. He told me to let y'all know you'd best "Get yer butts down here!" Call Valerie or reply to this email if you have questions or wish to book a trip.
Capt. Chris Robinson says...
As we come into October the inshore shrimp hatch is on fire, we have had just the right amount of rainfall to get the nutrients flushed into the bay and get the shrimp fired off. The Reds and Trout have welcomed the season in a big way for us, very nice catches of trout, flounder and reds for the bay guides and the flats guides are having some big days up in the shallows sight fishing for redfish. The next couple of months is normally some of the best fishing we have, with cooler temps and hungry fish, so come on down and get hooked up!
Capt. Tommy is stalking the flats for permit & bones this month. Sorry Folks, Tarpon season is pretty much over in Apalach but you may still hook up in the Keys this fall. Kathy is working on the spring schedule in the Keys, so be sure to let her (why am I typing in 3rd person?) know if you plan to keep your days in 2012 or if someone else might take advantage of them.
Caution Divers - please be especially careful when handlling lionfish and be sure you know the health risks associated with the neuro-toxin they deliver with a sting.
122 Commerce St., Apalachicola, FL 32320
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