Mosquito Creek Outdoors Fishing Forecast, November 2008
By Captain Tom Van Horn
November is one of the best months to target snook at Sebastian Inlet. In addition, large flounder and oversized redfish have begun to show up on the Port Canaveral buoy line and in the inlets of Ponce De Leon and Sebastian, and the flounder numbers will increase as the flounder begin their seaward migration out of the lagoon. Also, let's not forget the influx of Spanish mackerel, bluefish, and black tip sharks shadowing schools of finger mullet and glass minnows along the beach. Another important note, is to remember sea trout season closes November 1st on Florida's Space Coast, and remains closed through January 1st, 2009.
As water temperatures cool offshore, look for cobia and tripletail to begin showing up on the Port Canaveral Buoy line and on flotsam, both near-shore and offshore. When you find weeds and other debris, look for tripletail to be hanging just below the floating structure. Live shrimp and small jigs tipped with shrimp work well when targeting these brim on steroids. Fishing later in the day keeping the sun to your back will improve your range of sight, and always remember to keep a medium heavy rod rigged with a one-ounce buck tail jig ready to throw to any cruising cobia. Also, look for the fall dolphin and kingfish run to commence as well and an occasional sailfish or black fin tuna on the near-shore reefs and wrecks like 8A and Pelican Flats.
On the inside, pompano will begin to form up and move off of the lagoon flats thought the inlets, and invade the beach in search of mole crabs (sand fleas) their favorite winter food. Currently, reports of pompano skipping have been coming from anglers working the flats in various locations within the Lagoon. Also look for large schools of ladyfish, jacks, Spanish mackerel, and sea trout to be feeding on the migrating schools of glass minnows as they move south through the Lagoon.

Fishing Buddies Tom and Rich with a Hefty Fall Redfish
Sight fishing this past month for redfish has was tough due to higher water levels and tons of finger mullet, but water levels have begun to drop a little and the early arrival of cold air and cooling water has the redfish schooling up again. There's still a large amount of mullet on the flats, so the mullet run isn't over yet. Additionally, a good numbers of quality black drum and some gag grouper will begin to occupy the deeper channels of the ICW and areas around bridges and power structures throughout the lagoon.
Last but not least, the tailing black drum and redfish will begin to show up on the flats of the Banana River No-Motor Zone as the water levels recede and the water temperature cools down. If you have never experienced black drum tailing in a foot of water, it is worth the long paddle. When targeting black drum in the zone, concentrate your efforts on the deeper side on the sandbars that parallel the west shore, and the sandy submerged bars located on the middle flats located on the east side. When you locate tailing black drum and redfish, try throwing crab or shrimp imitation artificial baits like the D.O.A. Shrimp, a black Clouser fly, and chunks of blue crab or live shrimp work well for natural baits.
As always, if you need more information or have any questions, please contact me.
Good luck and good fishing,
Captain Tom Van Horn
Mosquito Coast Fishing Charters
407-366-8085 land line
407-416-1187 on the water
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