Monday, May 04, 2009

Fish Love May

Every Fish Likes May!!!

Hello friends. How is spring treating you? Here in Florida, we are seeing some extremely dry weather. The temps are in the mid to upper 80's everyday and we need some rain. The fishing has been awesome on the good tides and a little tough around the weaker moon phases. Moving water has definitely made the difference for success. May has plenty to offer. Every species we fish for seems to be available in May.

man with big snook

I'd like to follow up on an event I mentioned in my last report. The 'Cancer Crushing Benefit' for my friend Capt. Bob McGuire on April 4th was a great success. We raised $40,000 that day for Bob. Thanks to everyone that participated in the days events, fishing or joining us for the after party. The silent auction was a huge success, the music was live, and The Ozona Pig was packed through the night! Let's get onto the fishing...

First up, Snook!!! Their season has closed on May 1st so now they should be knockin' at your door. They always seem to know when they are safe again. Although the upper Tampa Bay region has been catching their fair share of Snook already, the bite out here on the gulf side had been a little slow. Over the last couple of weeks we have started getting into a regular pattern though. The rock jetties and troughs along the beaches are holding good fish. The grass flats near all of the passes are also attracting these big fish. Threadfin herring and large sardines are the best baits for me. Although, Snook will eat a dead bait if it is the right flavor. Cut shad or a mullet can catch a whopper on the right day. I expect the Snook bite to get better and better through this month.

Redfishing has been totally driven by the tide. The stronger incoming and outgoing tides have been the best. Live tail-hooked pinfish are my favorite approach. Following slowly behind schools of mullet and launching a pinfish into the middle will produce several Reds. Certain islands in my area have attracted large schools this past month. We have been able to hook as many as 40 fish some days. This past week had some weaker tides. They were low and didn't move much water. It was tough to get on some of the fish I had success with just a few days earlier. A couple of hook-ups were the best I could do. Even some of the docks I count on were empty. That will change this week as we head into a better tidal phase.

Trout are still hanging on around some of the spoil islands in St. Joseph Sound. A lot of them are moving out towards the beach. I have been catching them mixed in with the Snook as well. The grass flats near the passes are holding many Trout. Most are undersized here though. The biggest fish seem to be on the outside.

The offshore report is mixed. Lately, the water has been clearer out past 10 miles. Some guys have reported 50 - 100 Kingfish days. The east winds have cleared up the water close to land so some bigger Kings have moved in within 3 miles of shore. Grouper catches in close have produced a couple keepers, but mostly shorts. Again 10 - 20 miles out in 30 - 55 feet has seen the bigger gags.

Lastly, Tarpon! They are in Boca Grande Pass, they are under the Skyway bridge, and they are moving up the coast around Clearwater. Threadfins, sardines and crabs will all get hit for certain. It is all about being in the right place and making the best presentation. Very clear water can prevent these big eyed animals from wanting your jewelry laden bait. Smaller leader and hooks is all you can do to try to get hooked up. There will be a lot of anglers throwing flies at them too. They will get the Silver Kings to eat while cruising along the bars on the outside of all the barrier islands.

May is my favorite month. I am getting filled up for Tarpon season. Don't wait any longer. Call me anytime to plan your trip and fish of a lifetime!

Capt. Brian

Capt. Brian Caudill

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