January 21, 2012
By Captain Tom Van Horn
Upcoming Seminars and Events
Thursday, January 26th - 6:30 to 9:00 p.m., Free Shad and Crappie Fly Tying Event at Orlando Outfitters, 2814 Corrine Dr, Orlando, FL 32808, phone (407) 896-8220. Visit: www.orlandooutfitters.com. Fly tying instruction and seminar by Capt. Beau Osborne. Learn what you need to catch shad and crappie on fly in the Orlando area and see how easy it is to tie effective fly patterns for both species. These tying techniques can also be used to create your own shad and crappie jigs.
Saturday January 24th - 9 a.m. Free Rod Builders Class located in the Outback section of Mosquito Creek Outdoor, 170 South Washington Ave. Apopka Florida www.mosquitocreek.com
Wednesday February 1st - 7- 9 p.m. Apopka Bass Fishing Club meeting at Mosquito Creek Outdoors, 170 South Washington Ave, Apopka, www.mosquitocreek.com
Saturday & Sunday, February 9th, 10th and 11th - The Old Florida Outdoor Festival at the North East Recreational Complex in Apopka, Florida, http://oldfloridaoutdoorfestival.com
Thursday February 16th - 6:30 P.m. to 8:30 p.m. "Free Seminars" "Winter Lagoon Sight Fishing Tactics" instructed by Captains Tom Van Horn, Chris Myers, located in the Outback at Mosquito Creek Outdoors, 170 South Washington Ave., Apopka Florida, www.mosquitocreek.com.
Saturday, February 25th - 11:00 to 2:00 p.m., Free Shad Rally at the Jolly Gator Fish Camp, phone (407) 349-5554, on Hwy 46 adjacent to CS Lee Park in Geneva, Florida. Visit: www.thejollygator.com. "Free Seminars" instructed by Captains Tom Van Horn, Chris Myers and Charlie McCullough, "Shad Fishing Tactics" Event includes sponsor displays, giveaways and a raffle with all proceeds going to Anglers For Conservation (AFC), Hook Kids on Fishing Program.
This Weeks Fishing Report
Fishing this past week is as good as it gets and for those of you that follow my reports know when I get excited about fishing, it's time to call in sick, buy some flowers for your sweetie and take advantage of our gorgeous weather and hot catching.
On numerous trips to the St. Johns River this past week, we were rewarded with excellent catches of crappie and American shad. The bite has been hot from Lake Monroe in Sanford to Puzzle Lake with exciting reports coming from all of these areas. For me, my success has come from slow trolling 1/16 ounce white Road Runners, and fly fishing with chartreuse and orange Crazy Charles.

Fat American shad on fly.

Captain Tom's 17.5 inch shad caught on a orange Crazy Charlie fly.

Charlie McCullough's American Shad

Charlie's 17.25 American Shad

Charlie's Fat Sunshine Bass
On the saltwater scene, good reports of black drum and redfish have been coming from the Banana River Lagoon's No-Motor Zone where I good friend Captain John Kumiski busted two of his fly rods this week on large black drum.
As always, if you have any questions or need information, please contact me.
Good luck and good fishing,
Captain Tom Van Horn
(407) 416-1187
For all of your outdoor needs, visit www.mosquitocreek.com, it's where your adventure begins.
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