Fishing 09/27/08
Lets go catch a fish. Tides are high, higher and highest, not sure why but you can launch your boat from the parking lot. Lots of water just means more environment for the fish to play in and for you to look in. Lots of water for big fish, big Tarpon from many locations. Channels and the deep flats around the channels, with all the bait in the river and this unusual tide if the Tarpon are not there now wait thirty minutes and they will role in. From Little Mud creek south to the inlet, bridges, marina entrances, the spoils in the Sail Fish Flats Tarpon and more Tarpon. Yes those pesky Snook are hanging out with them. If I were targeting Snook the bridges would be the location, with all this high water it gives them plenty of running room. If it looks like a Mullet use it, Bombers, yozuri, D.O.A's and yes a live one will work also. When standing on the bridge hook your Mullet between the anal fin and his tail, they will swim down and try to get away from the hook, the best part is the last thing in their mouths will be the leader. Big Flounder made the catch list this week, not a lot but a lot of anglers took one of two home. Good numbers of Trout this week on a wide assortment of baits, keep the smaller ones let the bigger ones go, it seems I keep hearing about the worms in the bigger Trout. The Indian River with all this high water and Mullet has been the place.
Finally hearing about Dolphin, fish in the twenty five pound class, from 200' out on weed and other flotsam. North or south of the inlet, on trolled or live baits the Dolphin bite is on. Good mix of Sails continues but it is the Yellow Tail Snapper in good numbers that has caught a lot of attention. There is always a few Yellow tails but now we have anglers with limits just drifting over the reefs. Twelve inches is the minim and ten is the aggregate bag limit. Did not hear the words King Fish, every body was deep playing with the Dolphin. The Kings that were reported were in sixty feet north of the inlet, lots of small fish but just right for the grill. For the reef anglers it has Muttons and more Muttons remember the aggregate bag limit.
Surf has settled and the Yozuri Krystal has been the plug for Snook on the edge. I would like to say early and high tide but it has been higher all day so come on down when you are ready. The Blues have slowed now it is two cast per fish????But just like last week 9:am they just turn off, oh well just have to fish for Snook or maybe a Tarpon or two.
It has been a good week fishing, come on down and enjoy, even if you don't fish........Henry
Snook Nook Bait & Tackle
3595 NE Indian River Drive
Jensen Beach, FL
(Just South of the Jensen Causeway)
(Since 1949)
E-Mail: henry@snooknook.net
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