Fishing 8/25/08
There back and I don't mean Snook, the Army Corp of Engineers is back in our in our water. The lake is a bad dream to the folks on the west and east coast, the level is out of control and they must slow it down, so here comes the pulse releases, lets hope they are short and minimal. New faces at S.F.W.M and the Army Corp and the purchase of Ag land south of the lake, shows there is a new attitude toward the water in our state, let us hope our estuary can live through it all.
Surf anglers look for the clean water, get away from the brown, blue green is the color. A good run of Mullet on the beach has big Jacks, big Snook and Tarpon crashing through them. Look for the bait schools and I know you will be in the fish. Cast some thing that is about the size of the bait in the school, that is what they are focused on, match the hatch. The Jacks will eat any thing but the Snook and especially the Tarpon can be real pickie. Plenty of big Croakers and enough Whiting to bring a bucket of ice with you, blue water and bait, does it get any better?
The river again get away from the inlets, look for the blue green water. This might not be the time for top water, the edges of the Indian River are pretty brown but toward the deeper water it cleans up. From Bear Point south to Stuart Causeway in three to four feet of water, Trout, Snook, Tarpon, few Reds, biggest Lady Fish I can recall and really nice Flounder have all made the Snook Nook log. Slow down, fish deep you are looking for the salt water, fresh water floats, thirteen inches of rain put end to the drought. From the bridges it has been Black Drum ,Snapper and plenty of them. Both species have a bag limit, do you know what it is. Black Drum, 14' min 24' max. five is the bag, Snappers have wide minimum depending the species, but the aggregate is ten, so now we both know. Shrimp is the bait form the bridge, it seems that is all they want, so give to them.
Off shore run to the blue water, get out of the brown, easy to find this color line. Bait has been an issue so get out the cast net and bring some Mullet, 150' there was a few Dolphin, 80' Kings and Cobia on Down lines but the key was the live baits. Bottom fishing is good with plenty of big Muttons a few Grouper, but the target has been the Snapper. Because the fresh water floats the salinity levels are still good deep. A Sardine on a jig has been very productive for all of the above.
North Fork, South Fork and the wide St. Lucie are all pretty much fresh water, still a few Snook at the Roosevelt, Evans Crary and the Inlet but you have to fish deep, slow presentation. Yes they will go into fresh water but the water is of such poor "Quality" they will stay down, how quickly things change, one storm. Jensen and Stuart causeway, best bet.
Till next week keep your fingers crossed, NO MORE RAIN...............................Henry
Fishing 8/24/08
Rain, did I say rain, enough that you could fish in most driveways, but the fish don't mind they are all ready wet. Every day the fresh water run off becomes less, more important is where to fish. If you are a fresh water fan go for it, salt water anglers you need to look around. Freshwater floats, when in area of doubt fish deep , keep your baits on the bottom.
The surf has had a lot of weeds, before you take your equipment to the edge look around, how is the color of the water, where are the weeds. With all our access move north or south and you will find that one that you can fish. Plenty of Snook, Tarpon and big Jacks for the early anglers but big Croaker and Whiting even a few Pompano have made the catch list. With every tide change the water cleans and the weeds break up, so things are looking real good, come on down check out the beach.
Off shore anglers are going way out for the Dolphin, 400' to 600' finding weed patches and coming back with twenty pound class fish, live bait was the secret. But the color line at 150' was where most anglers spent their time. On the list was Dolphin, Kings and more Bonita than you imagine. Bottom fishing has been excellent with a Snapper bite that will make you get out your rule book, lots of Muttons. For you anglers that do not do a lot of bottom, put some bait on the hook, you have to feed the little fish so the big fish will come to see what has drawn their attention.
River anglers, Snapper, Drum, Spanish Mac's at the bridges. Lots of Muttons but these fish have to be 16" and included in the 10 per day aggregate bag limit. Trout bite continues but in the deeper water, salinity levels are best close to the bottom. Tarpon bite in the Inlets, Tarpon in the St. Lucie and Indian River, plenty of fish just what time do they eat? Pesky Snook in the spill ways, all around the bridges, inlets and flats and it seems they are eating all day but we will see what happens come September First
Till next week, remember the Snapper limits.............Henry.
Snook Nook Bait & Tackle
3595 NE Indian River Drive
Jensen Beach, FL
(Just South of the Jensen Causeway)
(Since 1949)
E-Mail: henry@snooknook.net
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