Mosquito Creek Outdoors Fishing Report, September 14, 2008
By Captain Tom Van Horn
With lagoon water levels dropping and weather conditions improving, it's once again time to start enjoying the great fishing fall brings to the Indian River Lagoon Coast of Florida. We definitely dodged a bullet as a high pressure system blocked hurricane Ike from entering Florida, and our thoughts and prayers are with those who were less fortunate.
Despite the windy weather and occasional rain band passing through Central Florida, my fishing and outdoor adventures this past week were not only successful, but rewarding and fun. The catching certainly wasn't off the hook, but our efforts were rewarded with some outstanding catches.

David Blue's Fall IRL Redfish
My adventures began last Sunday when I had the pleasure of fishing a half day charter with Al Bauchly and his son-in-law David Blue from Winter Park. We were on the water before sunrise and were rewarded by a light show as the dark water became alive with streaks of underwater luminance flashing out the trails of fish fleeing in all directions. As we reached our destination and twilight grew, we could hear schools of mullet showering across the waters surface and larger fish busting off in the distance along the edge of the mangrove shoreline. Working in towards the commotion, we could see larger fish harassing schools of mullet, but our efforts to connect with one went unrewarded.
From there we began out search for more corporative fish without results, until we received a phone call from Captain Tom Carver inviting us in on a school of large redfish he had located within sight of us, thank you Captain Tom. As we moved in on the school both Al and David hooked on monster redfish, and although only David was successful in landing his fish, forty-five minutes later, its extreme size made the day.
My next charter was on Tuesday when Zac and his fishing buddy Kyle from Lakeland Florida joined me for a windy day adventure. We followed the same plan as the trip before; only we found happier fish along the shoreline and received good results on top-water plugs despite a 15 knot east wind. As the day grew longer and the wind increased, we managed to fine some cooperative redfish willing to eat some chunks of cut mullet.
On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, I had the pleasure to attend the Florida Outdoor Writers Association conference in Punta Gorda, Florida; about three hours drive southwest of Orlando. The area is loaded with great fishing and outdoor activities, and the highlight of the trip was our first west coast Hook Kids on Fishing event where in cooperation with Charlotte County, Fisherman's Village, and Anglers For Conservation, we introduced over 150 kids to fishing, and each kid walked away with a new rod, reel, and tackle box.
All in all, it was an eventful and enjoyable week on and off of the water.
As always, if you have any questions or need information, please contact me.
Good luck and good fishing,
Captain Tom Van Horn
Mosquito Coast Fishing Charters
407-366-8085 landline
407-416-1187 on the water
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