The Bite is Hot and The SLOBBERKNOCKERS Are Chewin'
The bite is great and my clients have landed 3 redfish over 40 pound since Friday. Two of the fish pushed close to 50 pounds. Keith York landed one that was real close and so did RJ Barnica. Using the weight formula the fish was 49 pounds. RJ is only 9 years old. That is the second largest fish ever caught on my boat. Heck, I have never landed one that big. Plan your trip now with one of the most booked guides on the Mosquito Lagoon and Indian River Lagoon. I average 20 charters per month. We are averaging 12-15 redfish per day and a whole bunch of trout. There is a reason for that, I LOVE SEEING YOU CATCH FISH! WE HAVE FUN AND THAT IS THE MOST IMPOTRTANT THING! THE PHOTOS TELL THE STORY! BOOK NOW FOR SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. I HAVE 12 DAYS ALREADY BOOKED FOR SEPTEMBER AND 11 ARE REPEAT CLIENTS! SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER ARE AWESOME MONTHS! CALL TODAY 407-405-0819Tight Lines and Good Fishing!Captain David
14 Aug 2007 by Captain David Rogers
AAA Hawgwild Saltwater Charters
Captain Dave Rogers
The bite is great and my clients have landed 3 redfish over 40 pound since Friday. Two of the fish pushed close to 50 pounds. Keith York landed one that was real close and so did RJ Barnica. Using the weight formula the fish was 49 pounds. RJ is only 9 years old. That is the second largest fish ever caught on my boat. Heck, I have never landed one that big. Plan your trip now with one of the most booked guides on the Mosquito Lagoon and Indian River Lagoon. I average 20 charters per month. We are averaging 12-15 redfish per day and a whole bunch of trout. There is a reason for that, I LOVE SEEING YOU CATCH FISH! WE HAVE FUN AND THAT IS THE MOST IMPOTRTANT THING! THE PHOTOS TELL THE STORY! BOOK NOW FOR SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. I HAVE 12 DAYS ALREADY BOOKED FOR SEPTEMBER AND 11 ARE REPEAT CLIENTS! SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER ARE AWESOME MONTHS! CALL TODAY 407-405-0819Tight Lines and Good Fishing!Captain David
14 Aug 2007 by Captain David Rogers
AAA Hawgwild Saltwater Charters
Captain Dave Rogers