It's good to be back on the water 1/9/09
It’s great to be back on the water after shoulder surgery forced a brief layoff. While the Doctor told me to expect up to 4 weeks of down time I was back on the platform 11 days post surgery…
I realize I missed some hot and heavy action during my recovery, but I’m happy to say that my guests were able to scratch out a few fish in less than ideal conditions.
David was down from South Carolina and tried for a repeat of his last adventure with me where we killed the “Fat Girlz” in the IRL a couple of seasons back. This trip the timing wasn’t nearly as good and he had to settle for a puny 10 pounder.
Collum was treated to his first fishing trip by boat by his grandfather, David. These guys are from Scotland and aren’t used to our way of fishing. The youngster took a couple of reds with mullet chunks and David thought the puffer that ate the fly was wonderful!
Charlie and Ted join me every winter when Ted vacations from the Great White North. This year Charlie was in less than great shape with back problems. These guys have been fishing together for as many years as I’ve been alive and I’m 50!! So our usual method of fishing (sight casting) was replaced with bait tossing. Soaking hand-picked live shrimp in sand holes that afforded some extra depth relief resulted in several smallish reds and a few catfish. The pinfish also raised heck with the shrimp, a testament to our warmer than normal winter!
Al owns a great fishing lodge in Canada and lives on Merritt Island during the off season. We ventured into the ‘goon in hopes of finding good numbers of slot reds this morning. The fish I was hoping for had yet to return to spot one or two so a change was called for. I found a group Fat Girlz in the south end of the ‘goon and I moved into position. Al made a perfect cast and two twitches of the Exude Dart and it was “Fish-On”. A 20 minute line screaming battle and the 18 pound girl was aboard for a quick photo and release. Not a bad back-up plan after all…
Captain Mark Wright
cell - 321-302-3474
home - 321-264-3474
e-mail: CaptMarkWright@earthlink.net
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