Report for 01/16/2009
Salt Water
Reports last week had the bigger grouper still hanging out in the deeper water at the 120’-150’ range. Be prepared to catch and release many red snapper. This phenomenon should end as soon as Snapper season re-opens. Live bait is the ticket for grouper and little searching will be in order to catch them. Have Cigar minnows and cut bait as back up and a selection of jigs. The amberjack were still around the deeper wrecks hitting jigs such as the AJ glow jig or cigar minnows.
The bite has been better on the incoming tide late in the afternoon. The canal is continues producing nice fish. Use live shrimp directly on your jig heads. Some big Sheepshead are now being caught around the seawall and out around the marker buoys. Use a small shank Mustad live bait hook and fluorocarbon leader with just enough weight to keep your rig under control. Still some redfish being caught in side St Joseph bay between pompano point and the tip of the peninsula along the beaches from Indian Pass to Cape San Blas. Throwing gold spoons is working well, but they are not fussy and will hit almost any soft plastic and topwater thrown their way. Even frozen shrimp has been producing.
Grouper are being caught more consistently closer to shore. Try areas out to 10 miles. Amberjack are still plentiful over the bridge trusses and large artificial reefs from 8 – 14 miles offshore.
Effective January 1st 2009, the total aggregate Grouper limit will remain at 5 fish. But, Black/Gag Grouper will be reduced to 2; while Red Grouper will remain at 1. The remaining portion of the limit can be made up with other Grouper species including Warsaw and Scamp. Also, Amberjack and Trigger Fish size limits will change in State waters to 30” for AJs and 14” for Triggers.
Below is Tony with his first Pompano of the Year. Tony quoted, "I just wanted to say thank you for your kindness and help every time we come in the store. I wanted to send you a picture of my first fish I caught with my surf rigs I got last week. It is also my very first Pompano, it was 15 inches. thanks again, Tony."

Mangrove Snappers are very plentiful at the jetties right now. Live Shrimp with just a split shot is all you need. Bull Reds are being caught with live shrimp and pin fish around the jetties. Trout have moved into the creeks and bayous with the cooler temperatures. The Steam Plant is producing a lot of fish. Live shrimp will produce the most fish.
Fishing from the jetties is good for Reds, Sheepshead and a few grouper. In the surf there are some Reds and a few Pompano. They did get the first Pompano of the new year from the Okaloosa Island Pier, the fish was caught by Jim Mills. Other things being caught at the pier include Bonito and Sheepshead.
In the bay, the Reds are very good near the pass and the bridges. Good numbers of nice sized Trout east of the 331 bridge near where the rivers and creeks feed the bay and bayous.
In the gulf, some good Flounder action is going on and there are a fair amount of grouper and triggers fishing natural or live bottom. The jacks are offshore on large rocks and a few wrecks.
The Pompano are still in the surf. There have been some reports of a few good fish being caught. Best baits remain live or frozen sand fleas and live and frozen shrimp. Most fish have come from the other side of the sand bar here lately. Pompano jigs will catch them too. The Bonito and Bluefish are in the surf as well. Any bright colored lure worked fast will catch them. Bright spoons, Gotcha plugs, Straw Rigs, Top Water and regular plugs will catch them. Live and frozen Shrimp is always a good bait choice. Redfish have showed up on the beach. Some will be slot size fish but for the most part they will be over the slot. Live, frozen and cut baits, especially cut mullet will catch them. There have been reports of Flounder being caught, some will be some nice fish over five pounds. Best baits are Tiger, Bull minnows and live finger Mullet. Don’t forget about the Whiting. The bull Whiting can get up to two pounds and make great table fare. Try peeling your shrimp when fishing for the Whiting.
Trout have started to migrate up the rivers, canals and into the bayous. You can still catch your biggest Trout early and late in the day on top water baits and on live baits in the bayous and bayou channels. Live Shrimp and Mullet are the best baits to use this time of year to catch these Trout. Try fishing the deeper holes and bends in the rivers as the water gets colder. A jig tipped with a shrimp tail or a GULP shrimp or standard curly tail will catch these fish. As the water gets colder don’t forget to work you jig very slowly. Redfish will remain in the sound and bays a little longer. Don’t overlook the shallow flats either. Redfish can be caught on the same live baits. Artificial lures will take their share of fish too. Work all visible and underwater structure to increase your chances at hooking up with a red. Flounder and Sheepshead can all be caught in the bay this time of year. Finger Mullet, Bull Minnows and Tiger Minnows are hard to beat for the Flounder and Sheepshead can’t resist a small fiddler crab or live shrimp. Tie on a 12” piece of 12# to 20# fluorocarbon leader, a #1 hook, ¼ to ½oz sinker and a live shrimp or live Fiddler crab. This rig is a Sheepshead killer. The upper part of east Bay has been good for Redfish and Trout. Try fishing around the power lines and the surrounding oyster bars.
There have been some reports of the Flounder showing up over the near shore wrecks within one or two miles of the beach. Live finger Mullet, Tiger Minnows and Bull Minnows are great baits to use. The big Redfish are in the pass. Jigs, cut bait and live bait all take these fish. You may encounter a slot Red while fishing, but be sure to put the big ones back. This is a good time of year to look for the big schools of Redfish to be on top in the pass, just outside the pass and within one or two miles of the beach. Try looking for birds working the schools. Throw top water baits for some great action or a large spoon or jig. For the fly rod enthusiasts this is prime time. Any pattern that imitates a large baitfish will serve you well. Live baits will catch them to.
The bottom fishing for Amberjack and Grouper remains very good. Live Hard tails, Mullet and Pinfish will work on both. However a large Boston Mackerel is hard for a Grouper to resist. Jigging with a Butterfly jig remains a good tactic to catch the Amberjack. I have had some good reports of Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna being caught around the offshore oil platforms. Jigging, chumming and trolling are all effective in taking these fish
Fresh Water
No Report for Freshwater This Week.
Half Hitch Tackle
2206 Thomas Dr
Panama City, FL 32408
Fishing Report prepared by Half Hitch Tackle Staff.
The Captains Corner Fishing Report is provided by local charter captains and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Half Hitch Tackle.
This report is dedicated to the memory of Al Hubbard.
Al Hubbard was a field editor for Florida Sportsman magazine, an outdoor writer for the News Herald and a board member of the Florida Outdoor Writer's Association.
Mr. Hubbard was also the owner of Al's Outdoors Outfitting Services.
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